Sick of online snoops and geo-blocked content? Our epic VPN comparison unveils the heroes and villains!
Stop settling, start exploring! ➡️ Unlock your personalized VPN shortlist & reclaim your online freedom!
Compatible with Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows devices., Can also be used on Android TV, Fire TV, and Linux!, 1 to 7 devices at the same time
CyberGhost Security, LLC, Fast, Secure & Anonymous VPN service, All-In-One Security Suite for Windows
Over 100 Countries
Only allows seven
Test type No VPN US to US Download speed 106.6 Mbps 95.1 Mbps Upload speed 66.9 Mbps 79.8 Mbps Latency (ping) 8 ms 12 ms Download speed % difference N/A -10.8%
Via e-mail to, Via ticket at, Via 24/7 Live Chat
Surf the sites you love with the fastest VPN on the market.
You can choose VPN servers from 59 countries and protect up to 6 devices at the same time.
Does not apply any speed or bandwidth limits
Works with all your devices Phones, computers, tablets, and even routers
It won’t track anything about the user’s web activity or IP addresses, encrypting both with AES-256
Has over 5,000 servers in over 50 countries around the world.
Can simultaneously secure up to half a dozen different devices
OVERALL RANK: #1 of 76 VPNs Speed Score: 9.8 Average Speed*: 196 Mbps
24/7 Professional VPN Online Customer Service
ExpressVPN hides your IP address and encrypts your network data so you can browse the internet securely, even on public Wi-Fi or unsecured networks.
✔ One click, and you’re protected.
✔ TrustedServer technology
They use TrustedServer technology to help shield ExpressVPN servers from physical data tampering. A TrustedServer starts with a custom-built operating system based on Linux. Then, we incorporate a number of security improvements, like frequent updates, verified hardware, and strong encryption.
ExpressVPN’s TrustedServer technology helps prevent data being stolen or altered.
All Devices
An All-in-One Security Kit
Worldwide, Both physical and virtual, 105 Countries
Up to eight devices simultaneously, 8 Connections
Average Speed 193mbps
24/7 live support
10 Gbit connection speed
All Devices, 10 devices simultaneously
256-bit encryption
6,000+ VPN servers in 80+ locations in 65+ countries
10 Devices Simultaneously
Around 140Mbps, Support 10 Gbit connection speeds for an ultra-fast connection
Support Center, Dedicated 24/7 VPN Support, Live Chat, Contact Us, Email